Major Assignments

Unit 1:

Research Paper:

For the first half of the semester, you are going to choose something you are passionate about and explore it more through writing.

2/10--Shitty First Draft due at 2:00 p.m.
3/4--Draft 2 due at midnight to blackboard
3/24--Final Draft due at midnight

Shitty First Draft: at least 2 pages, grammar and citations do not matter at this point

Draft 2: 75% complete (1500 words, 6 pages), should be relativity clean of typos and includes citations and a works cited page (not counted in word or page count)

Final Draft: 8-10 pages (minimum word count, not including citation page, must be 2,000 or the highest grade you can receive is a D), 1" margins, 12 pt. font, 5 secondary sources

Speech: 8-10 minute speech on the topic of your paper.  You can alter it slightly to showcase a different side of your topic or you can present your paper.  You must have a visual aid and turn in your outline to me the day of your speech.

Unit 2:

Sticking with the same topic, you are now going to practice control by creating a zine of 4,000 words.  You can choose to have one or two long articles, several short ones, or a mix.

Your goal:  Create something that an average reader would want to pick up and read--even during the craziness of finals.  We will be distributing these in their electronic and print form (you can use a pen name).

Must include:

  • A letter to the reader that explains your purpose
  • One interview
  • A reference page at the back (for research sources and photo sources)
  • 4,000 words 
    • Interview
    • Creative piece (short story/poetry--use to supplement the researched articles, not to replace)
    • Exposé 
    • A rant
    • Persuasion
    • Manifesto
  • Artwork/pictures are optional but you are free to get crazy with it.
Proposal due Friday April 14--explain what you want to accomplish with the zine, if you are going to be working with someone, what types of articles and artwork you plan on including and a timeline.

Near complete draft due Friday, April 21--You will need to have enough done so that your reviewer (me and other class members will be able to see if you accomplishing your goal.

Final draft due Friday, April 28...

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